Month: July 2020

Rebounding With Lymphoedema

Rebounding is a fantastic exercise for those with Lymphoedema, arthritis sufferers and other similar conditions. Lymphoedema is a swelling that develops as a result of an impaired lymphatic system. It can affect any part of the body but is most commonly seen in an arm or a leg. Although thought to be relatively uncommon, a…
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JDK Fitness - Stability Bar

Why We Don’t Rebound With A Stability Bar?

Traditional High Energy Rebounding classes performed at a high tempo (132BPM+) are best performed without the use of a handle bar for several reasons.  Use of a stability bar in these classes is restricting and will have an adverse effect on posture and will limit core activation. The concept of a handle bar was introduced as a…
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JDK Fitness - Running and Rebounding

Rebounding And Running

Social jogger, race pace runner or Olympic athlete, how can Rebounding help improve your running posture, performance and prevent injury? Here are just 6 of the many ways regular Rebounding can improve your running performance and help keep you injury free: Core StrengthWe all tend to train our abdominals lying on the floor but this…
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Why Rebounding Burns More Calories

This is why rebounding is the “Big Bang workout”! If you are using a high quality rebound unit such as those used and supplied by JDK Fitness, and following our specifically designed rebound workout techniques you will be creating G-Force. By creating G-Force your body feels an increase in pressure at the bottom of the…
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Benefits of Rebounding

Do you remember, as a small child, having to THINK about exercise? Did your parents have to beg you to go outside and play? Did your teachers have to beg you to go outside for playtime? The answer, undoubtedly, is NO! Play gave way to exercise and it was for the pure enjoyment of whatever…
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